Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Managing Profitable Growth in Emerging †
Question: Discuss about the Managing Profitable Growth in Emerging Markets. Answer: Introduction: In the month of September in 2010, Woolworths Macro commenced an innovative MC Saatchi created movement bringing in its Wholefoods market organic variety into the dominion of conventional shoppers- stating them that one does not have to be a hippy to be strong. Two of the TVCs fore fronted the campaign through the best use of humor in conveying the positioning of the products of Wholefoods Market organic assortment that is to be enjoyed by the regular shoppers. The core theme of the campaign was you dont have to be hippy to be healthy when one is planning to shop at Woolworths Macro, revealing the proposition that the organic range at Woolworths Macro Wholefoods is for everyone (Riley et al. 2014). Woolworths found itself lying in a corner on this one and the ways of promoting the range of Macro Organic without deflation of its main brand fresh food documentation. For years this brand has been making up stories about their customers and managers and the love that has been exhibited by them towards fresh quality foods. The organization needs to focus on its products, which if lacking, the organization needs to shift it on its customers. It is about understanding on the ways people feel in buying these products. Woolworths launched the Macro Own brand in offering their customers a feel of being at home with ingredients that are encumbered with nutritious decency. This range provides products that are low in fat, salt and sugar while being elevated in good substance like fiber, vitamins and calcium. People have been changing their taste and preferences and they are becoming more health conscious which is why this brand extension from the house of Woolworths has been well-accepted by the people in Australia. Woolworths never believed that everybody would have a yoga instructor to advise them on good health or be a health nut himself, so when it is about the products of Woolworths, they try and keep thing pure and uncomplicated. Vegemite Brand: Unsuccessful Brand Extension: Vegemite was one of the most popular brands from Australia that unveiled a product extension in the year 2009. The media heavily criticized it and consumers for naming the product iSnack 2.0 and the indignation that followed hit the news headlines across the globe. It was a shocker for everyone on how a company that has been considered so much of consumer focused could get it this erroneous. The campaign of How do you like your vegemite? was thought of to satisfy their customers need and associate them with the product. This marketing campaigns success led Kraft foods to go for an extension of their product. Vegemite sales were dropping for the past five years and so was its market share almost by 10 per cent margin. The organization people found out that the Australian people were having Vegemite with other tastes with some of the moms using it with the well-liked Philadelphia Cream Cheese for diluting the bitter taste while presenting it to children. The organization came up with a new product in no time without losing out on any momentum. For continuing it with the engagement with their customers they launched their new product with no name. It was simple labeled as name me which sounded interesting. This strategy was seen as the best for engaging customers. The excitement and encouragement that it brought in was immense in venturing into new markets. They eventually gave their brand a name but it did not fit in into their current brand and the image that has been generated by the management (Kaur, Harleen and Pandit 2016). Customers suggested the name Chessymite, though Kraft wanted something that would be able to replicate the element of snacking in order to differentiate from the classic Vegemite. Another suggested name was iSpread 2.0 which was later modified to iSnack 2.0. This naming of the product brought in huge repercussions and suddenly this product was making a lot of headlines all across the globe. People did not tak e a liking of the new name as it sounded like a technical product, not fitting with their heritage. Its marketing failed in taking into consideration their old customers and how they would take this new name as they were too busy in thinking about their new customers (Hayran, Ceren and Grhan-Canli 2014). Within a week it was announced that the newly given name would be changed after conducting an audience polls as this iSnack 2.0 is simply not Australian. It later got changed to Chessybite chosen by the customers through a poll. Vegemite proved to be good listeners in the initial stage with their campaigns but the wrong selection of name led to drop in sales of the product. Proctor Gamble Brand Hierarchy and Brand Portfolio: Brand hierarchy can be defined as the means of abridgment of the brand strategies by exhibiting the numbers and the environment of common and typical elements of brands across the product of the organization in revealing the unambiguous ordering of the elements of brands. Corporate Branding: It can be stated as the observance of making use of the companys name as the brand name of the product. It is normally an attempt to employ equity in corporate brand for creating the brand appreciation. Example: Proctor and Gamble, Unilever Family Brand: It is when a cluster of products are given the similar brand name which is various products of the company are being marketed under the name of one brand. For instance in case of Proctor and Gamble it would be household products like Duracell and Eukanuba and other beauty care products like Olay and Head Shoulders. Individual Brand: Individual branding which is otherwise known as the individual product branding or even multi branding is a marketing strategy of philanthropy of each element within a portfolio through the unique brand name (Reddy, Reddy and Venkatesulu 2016). The benefit of individual brand name is that each product would be having an illustration and identity of its, that would be exclusive in nature. However, its disadvantage lies in the fact of enough complexity and expense implicated in augmenting a separate program for marketing in building adequate brand equity level. Proctor Gamble has many products that itself exhibits as an individual brand like Olay, Pantene, Braun, Duracell and Gillette. Modifier: It can be referred as the word or phrase that irrespective of whether it being family, corporate and individual brands is engaged necessitating promoting differentiated brands according to the various types of items involved. PG makes the best use of the social media sites like YouTube, Twitter and Facebook though having negligible presence on other websites like Pinterest and Google Plus. PG needs to channelize more resources towards the key sites such as Google+ along with the other sites for attaining enough reach. Online advertisement takes in the lowered impact of media. The company should aim their marketing penetration strategy through the strengthening of their market presence by attaining major shares in the market than their competitors (Riley et al. 2013). They need to provide services that are unique in nature, promoting the premium prices and increasing their per unit sales. In case of the marketing development, the company needs to start observing the trends that are present in the market, especially the ones that are being settled by their competitors. The innovation in the marketing development is introducing the updated version of the leading products of the company. In case of the divers ification strategy the organization needs to involve their stakeholders more along with obtaining the global and local company for increasing the assets of company in big volumes. The acquisitions of the company are for increasing the sort of the products that are being hosted by the company. The organization of the stature of PG should be able to thoroughly monitor through the various departments like the business units and organizations of developing market. The market development companies are in the habit of keeping a watch on the segments of the market and the existing trends though the units of business specifies the suitable strategies. Reinforcement program of Qantas: Qantas still remains the most valuable airlines of Australia, though its rankings are stating a different story. Trouble for Qantas would always be a bad news for Australia. This national carrier is the flag bearer for Australia at the global stage. It has been the first point of getting in touch with the visitors having with the country and its tailfins advertising the significance of Australia to travelers at the airports internationally. If Qantas were to fall short, it would be having an important brunt on pulling towards the country the factor of tourism, experienced people and speculation into Australia (Stuijfzand et al. 2016). Qantas was positioned at 14th place in Australias most valuable 100 brands only to slip to 17 this year. Qantas needed to reinforce their brand, coming up with new marketing programs having the ability to reinforce the brand through its spirit and worth. This facilitates the brand in generating more awareness, intensifying its reflection and market place existence. Qantas has adopted the platform of integrated marketing management offering appreciably operational competence, aperture the door for real-time customer campaigns. Implementation of all-in-one marketing stage is assisting Qantas a great deal for improving the campaigns, opening the door for real time customer rendezvous and communication. The industry of airlines is a tough business to be in. The costs are generally high with low margins where price is often stated by the fuel price over a time period. Qantas has announced a return of the profits, having undergone a belligerent Transformation Program. The airline has reported underlying pre-tax profits of around 975 m Australian dollars that is being compared to a loss of 646 million prior to a year (Reddy, Reddy and Venkatesulu 2016). The company has been highly emphasizing on the investments in technology, customer loyalty, technological investments and other digital strategies. This $2 billion Qantas transformation program has been the biggest step change in the organization, without which the company could not have announced any sort of profit. Qantas has always believed in the customers as their core strategy for which the transformation program has been convoyed by the regular investments in aircraft, training and technology. Qantas has also brought in the Qantas Acquire Loyalty program for its frequent fliers that are gradually becoming significant to the airlines using the customer data for offering more personalized services (Landis et al 2013). The organization has also purchased a calculating stake in the actuarial and data analytics adding to the in-depth imminent ability offering a new stream of revenue. 7 - Eleven Australia Pty Ltd. Revitalization Strategy: 7-Eleven Stores Australia Pty Ltd is an overall Australian owned family business that is being operating as the independent licensee of 7-Eleven in Australia. One of its products by the name of Slurpee became the worlds most accepted frozen carbonated beverage that was first known by the name of Icee (Dev, Chekitan and Kevin Lane Keller 2013). The year 2009 witnessed more than 10 million Slurpee cups being purchased resulting in the state of Brain Freeze. Slurpee was a product that was devoid of any significant marketing research and advertising and the product had it in it to sell itself. However, during the mid 2000s as part of its Project Energize program, 7-Eleven Australia went on board for a campaign to revitalize the brand Slurpee by capitalizing on the intrinsic appeal to the younger generation of people. 7-Eleven created a visual identification for celebrating the experience of Slurpee by fetching to life four things which are: Cram for More, Brain Freeze, Color your Tongue and Mix it Up. The genuine customers were being cast as Slurpers, creating a fresh visual language for the brand that was being revolved across all the touch-points, point-of-scale. To distribute this new situation in store, 7-Eleven Australia set regarding creation of an experience that the competitors would never be able to imitate. The core strategy was the creation of the Slurpee zones. These zones were brightly colored facilitating their customers for creating their Slurpee at their own individual place within the store, offering highly observable encouragement for the brand. This Slurpee zones provided the young guns the space for a social experience along with the prospect of mixing flavors and entering into the prize competitions. This Slurpee zones were transporting an experience in retail proscribed by customers with the chance of adding value beyond the limits of a simple consumptive procurement (David 2014). Certain marketing campaigns took in shoulder campaigns where a new Slurpee prod uct was offered that had advantages beyond the limit of refreshment. 7-Eleven also urbanized partnerships in confectionary that shared the brand values of Slurpee brand. These in turn buoyant customers in making numerous purchases in forming the Slurpee brand. The Slurpee revitalization program resulted in improved point of scale material for promotion, design of cups, augmenting the Slurpee zones and regular promotions and tie-ups. Reference: DallOlmo Riley, Francesca, Chris Hand, and Francesca Guido. "Evaluating brand extensions, fit perceptions and post-extension brand image: does size matter?."Journal of Marketing Management30, no. 9-10 (2014): 904-924. Link: Dev, Chekitan S., and Kevin Lane Keller. "Brand revitalization."Cornell Hospitality Quarterly55, no. 4 (2014): 333-341. Link: Hayran, Ceren, and Zeynep Grhan-Canli. "Brand extensions."The Routledge Companion to Contemporary Brand Management(2016): 136. Link:,+Ceren,+and+Zeynep+G%C3%BCrhan-Canli.+%22Brand+extensions.%22+The+Routledge+Companion+to+Contemporary+Brand+Management+(2016):+136.ots=wGSmu9olaVsig=hsCC3kOVf4bSVKO3nQQpbi84gIo#v=onepageqf=false Kaur, Harleen, and Ajay Pandit. "Consumer evaluation of brand extension: Empirical generalization and comparative analysis."Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science15, no. 1 (2014). Link: Keller, Kevin Lane. "Brand Revitalization."The Future of Branding(2015): 314. Laforet, Sylvie. "Effects of organisational culture on brand portfolio performance."Journal of Marketing Communications23, no. 1 (2017): 92-110. Link: Landis, L. "Reinforcement Strategies for High Performance Composites."Design World, March4 (2013): 2013. Link:,+L.+%22Reinforcement+Strategies+for+High+Performance+Composites.%22+Design+World,+March+4+(2013):+2013.source=blots=e4PCInS-Rmsig=ZVBimFDcFiBbLr9SJ1YpFUTGTu0hl=ensa=Xved=0ahUKEwiRrNL74L3TAhVLs48KHV_yCh0Q6AEIITAA#v=onepageq=Landis%2C%20L.%20%22Reinforcement%20Strategies%20for%20High%20Performance%20Composites.%22%20Design%20World%2C%20March%204%20(2013)%3A%202013.f=false Booth, Sue, and John Coveney. "Big FoodThe Industrial Food System." InFood Democracy, pp. 3-11. Springer Singapore, 2015. Link: Dixon, Jane, Libby Hattersley, and Bronwyn Isaacs. "Transgressing retail: supermarkets, liminoid power and the metabolic rift." InFood Transgressions: Making Sense of Contemporary Food Politics. Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2014. Link: Beverland, Michael, Angela Dobele, and Francis Farrelly. "The viral marketing metaphor explored through Vegemite."Marketing Intelligence Planning33, no. 5 (2015): 656-674. Link: Park, Seung Ho, Gerardo R. Ungson, and Andrew Cosgrove. "Defining the Drivers of Profitable Growth." InScaling the Tail: Managing Profitable Growth in Emerging Markets, pp. 67-90. Palgrave Macmillan US, 2015. Link: Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict. "Organizational Structures for Global Brands." InGlobal Brand Strategy, pp. 151-179. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2017. Link:
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