Sunday, August 23, 2020
Advances in Medical Technology free essay sample
As of late, new ground has been broken all through the field, including clinical methods, surgeries, and electronic gadgets. Such progressions have smoothed out the training and study of medication in the 21st century. One type of progression in Technology that has streamlined the record saving procedure for Physicians and Nurses the same is the mechanized clipboard. As per Steve Kelly of Phillips Medical Systems, â€Å"The convenient, consistently associated gadget is intended to require negligible preparing and gives huge advantages to the clinical clients, assisting with decreasing medicine blunders, decidedly distinguish staff and patients, round out outlines, catch fundamental signs, review reports and approve blood transfusions just as the capacity to intently screen the recuperating of wounds (Terry). Terry’s words summarize the advantages of such a gadget pleasantly. Another idea at the bleeding edge of Medical Technology is that of Bionics. Bionics includes the designing of â€Å"Synthetic†, or counterfeit appendages to supplant those lost because of mishaps or removal. We will compose a custom exposition test on Advances in Medical Technology or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Bionics, all in all, isn't a completely new idea. The creating of manufactured appendages has been polished for quite a while, yet current Technological advances have made a way for significantly more sensible, utilitarian, and â€Å"smarter†appendages. The I-Limb Hand, made by Touch Bionics, is presumably the latest case of how practical these appendages have become in their appearance. As expressed by Paul Bright of Touch Bionics, â€Å"Touch Bionics made the I-LIMB turn in would like to include more usefulness for individuals who needed something other than a grasping tool†(Bright). In the photograph to one side, graciousness of gizmag. com, one of the hands is an embed, and one is genuine. Because of advances in the study of Bionics, it is hard to tell which one is fake. Likewise, investigation into the field of Implantable Biochips has prompted developments in observing fundamental signs and individual data for warriors on the war zone. The Center for Bioelectronics, Biosensors, Biochips, Based at Clemson University, is among the main producers of these Biochips. In an article in Science Daily dependent on materials gave by Clemson University, it is expressed that â€Å"The biochip, about the size of a grain of rice, could quantify and hand-off such data as lactate and glucose levels in case of a significant discharge, regardless of whether on the war zone, at home or on the highway†. Besides, we’ve seen propels in Medical Technology concerning how medical procedures are acted in the 21st Century. As PCs become increasingly more incorporated into clinical techniques, we can begin to imagine surgeries that are done mechanically. Perhaps the most recent advancement in Robotic Surgery is the Da Vinci Robot Surgery System, from Intuitive Surgical. An article in Newsweek composed by Jennifer Barrett entitled â€Å"Cutting Edge†, states that â€Å"The mechanical framework has just changed the field of prostate medical procedure, for which it was affirmed in May 2001. That year it was utilized in under 1 percent all things considered. This year in excess of 20 percent will be finished with the robot†(Barrett). Barrett’s comments demonstrate that the usage of such Technology is getting progressively pervasive and will in all probability be standard practice sooner rather than later. Another development of Technology including compact gadgets in the field of medication is the result of research done at the NYU School of Medicine. The BrainScope, as it is called, is a handheld gadget equipped for checking action in the cerebrum. The ramifications of such a gadget in the two Sports and Warfare are very astounding. At the point when an Athlete or a Soldier is harmed, such a gadget can be utilized to quantify variances in mind movement to show the seriousness of the harm. The mind movement is deciphered in just a couple of moments, forestalling expensive and tedious outings to a medical clinic for a MRI. These highlights consider quicker determinations of injury to the cerebrum, and add to quicker, better educated choices following a physical issue. As expressed in an article in ScienceDaily, adjusted from materials gave by the New York University Medical Center, â€Å"BrainScope comprises of a glue strip, containing six anodes, which are associated with a small scale PC that looks like a larger than average iPod. After a presumed head injury, a person on call joins the cathode strip to the patient’s brow. The gadget consequently gathers an example of the patient’s EEG and processes an enormous number of QEEG highlights, every one of which are contrasted with a databank of ordinary scores. In no time, BrainScope’s shading show demonstrates whether any of the patient’s cerebrum capacities digress from normal†. Taking everything into account, ongoing headways in Technology have realized huge changes with respect to the act of Medicine.
Friday, August 21, 2020
A Reflection on Adult Learning Perspective in Nursing free essay sample
A Reflection on grown-up learning point of view in nursing Introduction: This article mirrors my integrative learning experience during my second-degree nursing class. There is restricted information accessible on successful training aptitudes for grown-up learning program. This reflection helps in distinguishing fruitful learning apparatuses and surveying various techniques in current nursing program. We worked in gatherings to work for the program and my appearance is about my experience of learning all through this program. For this examination program we utilized subjective research plan which helps in finding the impacts of integrative learning as a model and how it improves nursing understudy results. The pre-owned center gatherings upgraded the learning procedure and results. Most information about quickened baccalaureate programs are narrative (McDonald, 1995), with restricted research information accessible on powerful instructing methodologies and viable showing devices (Cangelosi Whitt, 2005). Audits in writing: because of the nursing lack in 1980s, quickened BSN programs were begun. A 13-month program was set up at Johns Hopkins Universityâ based on a model created at St. We will compose a custom article test on A Reflection on Adult Learning Perspective in Nursing or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Louis University in 1971 (Cangelosi Whitt, 2005; Shiber, 2003). In 1990’s new instructing models were created to satisfy the necessities of second-certificate understudies (Shell Wassem, 1994; Shiber, 2003; Vinal Whitman, 1994). Regularly, the early projects neglected to tailor the second degree educational program to grown-up students and, rather, coordinated the educational program with that of customary college understudies, prompting difficulties for both personnel and students (Anderson, 2002; Vinal Whitman, 1994). In an exploration concentrate on educating and learning techniques, Cangelosi and Whitt (2005) portrayed that grown-up students consistently need proof based arrangements of their inquiries and show enthusiasm for programs that helps in profession advancement. Wu and Connelly (1992) expressed that all projects should be founded on one of a kind learning techniques and offer help to grown-up students. They depicted it as trying, independent, vocal pretty much the entirety of their adapting needs and particularly self-coordinated grown-up students. Shell and Wassem (1994) examined in their compositions the feelings of trepidation, absence of information about creative instructing and personnel perspectives which as per them are boundaries for the advancements in grown-up learning programs. Imaginative educational program models, for example, the ACE model at Drexel University (Suplee Glasgow, 2008) and the CAN-Care, practice-based model (Raines, 2006), were created to address identifiedâ adult learnerâ needs, nursing training capabilities and results, and personnel understudy association. It is uncovered from writing that grown-up understudies needed additional time in clinical labs to construct certainty and improve their competency. Student input is essential to assess different showing methodologies included intelligent innovation, reenactment, contemporary themes, contextual analyses and idea mapping in clinical cases. System for this investigation: Whole of our examination was intended to survey an integrative and transformative learning model. It was intended for the grown-up students and utilized a subjective information with associate of second-qualification understudies in nursing. Strategy assessing results for nursing training in existing quickened programs has been distinguished as fundamental for program advancement (Korvick Williamson, 2006). Center gatherings, a successful, time-productive, and down to earth approach for giving information onâ program assessment, results, and needs (Kress Shoffner, 2007), were directed similarly as the program started and toward the finish of the program. Our center gatherings were incorporated into â€Å"Transitions-Professional Nursing Practice†and â€Å"Introduction to Professional Nursing†courses. We were in a clump of 25 understudies who started a 15 months second-degree program on August 4 of every 2010. We as a whole finished an individual explanation to follow the affirmation procedure in this second-degree program. We as a whole understudies marked an assent structure and were approached to fill a segment overview structure. This overview was about our past training and late occupation and work settings. We as a whole presented the filled duplicates of that overview. We as a whole in the center gathering utilize 5-point Likert scale. This scale was utilized to fill a survey with respect to our choice of this program and our perspectives on nursing as our profession in future. The survey having four explanations depended on grown-up profession advancement hypothesis. A. I think my decision of nursing calling a profession change B. I am attracted to the nursing calling on account of employer stability and strength. C. I am attracted to the nursing calling since it offers chance to straightforwardly add to the work in my environmental factors D. This nursing calling offers chance to utilize my abilities and gifts to assist destitute with peopling around me. The entire information gathered was submitted to the program executive (PI). Task executive was the first to train our center gathering class. We were likewise approached to make reference to some other goal or motivation of joining the nursing calling. The date gathered was summed up and was sent to every single partaking workforce of this grown-up learning program. All understudies need to present a 45-minute center gathering inquiries at our first day of the program. The inquiries depended on the 2006 Council for Adult and Experiential Learning National Adult Learners Satisfaction-Priorities Report (Noel-Levitz  CAEL, 2006). We were given a lot of 10 inquiries to begin the conversation from the undertaking chief. Those inquiries concentrated on understudy taking in necessities and desires from this program. The task executive gathered such information and examined it with all personnel instructors of the program. Those instructors were appointed to show utilize the late spring and fall courses. Later those employees coordinated the information gathered from the center gathering and plan their educating courses. Every single taking part workforce imparted their instructing methodologies to one another and with the venture chief. They orchestrated one-on-one gatherings to take a shot at the staff advancement during the entire program. The venture executive directed staff improvement exercises with singular, self-chose individuals who showed second-degree partner. The undertaking executive booked a mid-semester registration with the engaged gathering and all the taking an interest resources. All the worried of those gathering depended on the versatile measures with showing systems by the personnel to take a shot at the learning necessities of the grown-up students of the program. The personnel submitted rundown of the reports at the mid-semester gatherings on how they incorporated the information and modified their showing systems during the program. The staff followed a similar technique of information gathering and sharing after the program. They submitted report on versatile estimates they took for instructing during their first mid semester meeting. There was no need of submitting such report toward the finish of the program. Toward the finish of the grown-up student program, a last center gathering was held. This center gathering was of 60 minutes. We need to respond to 10 unique inquiries. At that point the information gathered from that center gathering was imparted to the task chief and other employees. They examined the achievement of that program and how accommodating this experience for their future projects. Conversation: We plot the segment qualities of the considerable number of understudies in the second-degree partner for grown-up learning program. Attributes, for example, gender,â marital status, race, and ageâ conform toâ characteristics noted in a national report by Wu and Connelly (1992) for quickened BSN programs. All understudies in the program indicated diverse instructive encounters and have various occupations. They originate from occupations like educating or library colleague, clinical specialist, nursing unit secretary, monetary expert, agent, clinical record checker, entrepreneur, clinical wellbeing facilitator. Our staff recognized our needs toward the beginning of the program and adjusted all the instructing techniques. This all will help in building the characteristics in all understudies during the grown-up student program. Through this investigation we get criticism at various learning levels of the program. This aided in adjustment and responsiveness that could be additionally coordinated for instructing plans. Nonstop criticism and the center gathering helped us with the comprehension of the reality why the understudies picked this grown-up student program. Staff improvement gatherings talked about every one of these issues at need. We coordinated from the engaged gathering that very nearly 70 percent of the understudy considered this nursing program as a lifelong change. 60 percent of the grown-up learns came here and picked nursing calling for professional stability and soundness. The information gathered from the center gathering uncovered that our nursing calling helped us to contribute emphatically to the world. Just about 98 understudies in our center gatherings thought about that Nursing calling would offer chances to decidedly utilize our gifts and abilities.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Dulce Et Decorum Est The Charge of the Light Brigade...
War is a subject that often stirs upon many emotions with those directly or indirectly involved. It may bring tears, memories of suffering and loneliness, struggles, or victories. Such disturbance of peace has wounded and killed many souls. It is on the battlefield we see the most hideous side of human nature, for every soldiers only objective on the battlefield is to survive and win. Many people have opposing views about wars which may have been developed over time based on many factors such as family upbringing, culture, political views, or personal experiences. In the two poems studied, Wilfred Owens Dulce et Decorum est and Alfred, Lord Tennysons The Charge of the Light Brigade, war has been described with completely opposing†¦show more content†¦Charge for the guns, he said: Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. (Tennyson, 1-8) The use of repetition in this quotation assisted in giving a sense of anticipation as well as creating a vivid imagery of the bravery o f the soldiers, and building up tension as they move forward into the valley of Death. Not only do Owens and Tennysons depictions of war differ immensely, their views on a soldiers deaths hold opposing views as well. Owen describes the unsightly view of the soldiers death with a variety of metaphors and similes while Tennyson portrays a soldiers death as a glorifying and honourable event that would be perpetually celebrated. Owens poem conveys the distress of witnessing a soldiers death with tremendous details, And watch the white eyes writhing in his eyes, His hanging face, like a devils sick of sin; If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues. (Owen, 19-24) Once again Owen successfully created an emotional and meticulous imagery of the soldiers death by illustrating a strong mental image of the soldier squirming in agonizing pain. The metaphors obscene as cancer and bitter as cud instinctively connects the dreadfulShow MoreRelatedDulce Et De corum Est The Charge Of The Light Brigade - Poem Comparing And Contrasting Essay1156 Words  | 5 PagesMany people have opposing views about wars which may have been developed over time based on many factors such as family upbringing, culture, political views, or personal experiences. In the two poems studied, Wilfred Owens Dulce et Decorum est and Alfred, Lord Tennysons The Charge of the Light Brigade, war has been described with completely opposing views. In the former, Owen describes war as a horrifying and inglorious event with men in war being grim and sorrowful while the soldiers died devastatinglyRead MoreDulce Et Decorum Est And The Charge Of The Light Brigade740 Words  | 3 PagesExperience of Battle In this essay, I will be analyzing the two different poems â€Å"Dulce Et Decorum Est†and â€Å"The charge of the Light Brigade†. While reading and analyzing these poems I will be comparing and contrasting the difference between the two poems and also determining the poet’s literary devices to make the point of both authors. War is a sorted out exertion by a legislature or other vast association to stop or annihilation something that is seen as perilous or awful. It is for the mostRead MoreThe Tradition Of War Poetry Essay2221 Words  | 9 Pages The Tradition Of War Poetry By comparing and contrasting a selection of war poems consider the ways in which attitudes to war have been explored and expressed. When considering poetry written post 1900 concentrate on a selection of poems written by Wilfred Owen. Humans have turned to poetry in many different instances as a way of expressing them selves, using the best combination of words, in the best order to express exactly how they are feeling at that moment.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Regulations of Financial Markets and Global Financial...
gula Regulation of Financial Markets BA (Hons) Business Management Word Count: 2750 ------------------------------------------------- Q: Explain the main reasons why financial markets are regulated? To what extent do you think that recent problems in the financial markets are the result of too little regulation? Introduction: Since the inception of this world, people are following rules in one way or the other. Every aspect of our lives follows a pattern. The best patterns and practices are developed in to rules. If there are no rules, there will be chaos everywhere and catastrophe ready to strike at any moment. To keep our lives peaceful and in order, we follow rules. Some of them are set by us and some by law experts and†¦show more content†¦Financial markets and institutions help to shape the corporate and financial structure of the country. Therefore to keep the economy of the country stable, regulations are implemented. Regulations ensure fair disclosure of information to all the entities involved in a financial transaction (Pilbeam, 1998). Without regulations, one entity can have more information and it can take illicit advantage from that information. To ensure fair dealing and to prevent other entities from exposure to risk, regulations are imposed which ensure that all necessary information is disclosed prior to the transaction taking place. Market Failures and Crisis: Regulations of financial institutions have always followed financial crisis and failures. Market failures and crisis are the primary triggers of that lead to the development of regulations of financial markets and institutions (Howells and Bain, 2004). Although regulations cannot completely prevent the markets from failure, they can reduce the risk (Pilbeam, 1998). Causes of Market Failures and Crisis: The failure and crisis in the financial markets and institutions can be caused by many factors. One can be inefficient allocation of resources (Pilbeam, 1998). Every operation of financial institutions includes monetary transactions. Whenever there is a shortage of money; crisis start. Therefore for all the operations of financial markets and institutions sufficientShow MoreRelatedDiscuss the Importance of Ethics in Business in Light of the Recent Global Financial Crisis (Gfc)1119 Words  | 5 PagesThe 2008 global financial crisis has affected today’s economy severely based on the collapses on issues such as immoral practices, governance, regulations, enterprise ethics. Factors to consider with the collapse that lead to the financial crisis is the dangerous outcomes that financial companies were not foreseen in advanced of borrowing mortgages for the companies. 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Managing Profitable Growth in Emerging †
Question: Discuss about the Managing Profitable Growth in Emerging Markets. Answer: Introduction: In the month of September in 2010, Woolworths Macro commenced an innovative MC Saatchi created movement bringing in its Wholefoods market organic variety into the dominion of conventional shoppers- stating them that one does not have to be a hippy to be strong. Two of the TVCs fore fronted the campaign through the best use of humor in conveying the positioning of the products of Wholefoods Market organic assortment that is to be enjoyed by the regular shoppers. The core theme of the campaign was you dont have to be hippy to be healthy when one is planning to shop at Woolworths Macro, revealing the proposition that the organic range at Woolworths Macro Wholefoods is for everyone (Riley et al. 2014). Woolworths found itself lying in a corner on this one and the ways of promoting the range of Macro Organic without deflation of its main brand fresh food documentation. For years this brand has been making up stories about their customers and managers and the love that has been exhibited by them towards fresh quality foods. The organization needs to focus on its products, which if lacking, the organization needs to shift it on its customers. It is about understanding on the ways people feel in buying these products. Woolworths launched the Macro Own brand in offering their customers a feel of being at home with ingredients that are encumbered with nutritious decency. This range provides products that are low in fat, salt and sugar while being elevated in good substance like fiber, vitamins and calcium. People have been changing their taste and preferences and they are becoming more health conscious which is why this brand extension from the house of Woolworths has been well-accepted by the people in Australia. Woolworths never believed that everybody would have a yoga instructor to advise them on good health or be a health nut himself, so when it is about the products of Woolworths, they try and keep thing pure and uncomplicated. Vegemite Brand: Unsuccessful Brand Extension: Vegemite was one of the most popular brands from Australia that unveiled a product extension in the year 2009. The media heavily criticized it and consumers for naming the product iSnack 2.0 and the indignation that followed hit the news headlines across the globe. It was a shocker for everyone on how a company that has been considered so much of consumer focused could get it this erroneous. The campaign of How do you like your vegemite? was thought of to satisfy their customers need and associate them with the product. This marketing campaigns success led Kraft foods to go for an extension of their product. Vegemite sales were dropping for the past five years and so was its market share almost by 10 per cent margin. The organization people found out that the Australian people were having Vegemite with other tastes with some of the moms using it with the well-liked Philadelphia Cream Cheese for diluting the bitter taste while presenting it to children. The organization came up with a new product in no time without losing out on any momentum. For continuing it with the engagement with their customers they launched their new product with no name. It was simple labeled as name me which sounded interesting. This strategy was seen as the best for engaging customers. The excitement and encouragement that it brought in was immense in venturing into new markets. They eventually gave their brand a name but it did not fit in into their current brand and the image that has been generated by the management (Kaur, Harleen and Pandit 2016). Customers suggested the name Chessymite, though Kraft wanted something that would be able to replicate the element of snacking in order to differentiate from the classic Vegemite. Another suggested name was iSpread 2.0 which was later modified to iSnack 2.0. This naming of the product brought in huge repercussions and suddenly this product was making a lot of headlines all across the globe. People did not tak e a liking of the new name as it sounded like a technical product, not fitting with their heritage. Its marketing failed in taking into consideration their old customers and how they would take this new name as they were too busy in thinking about their new customers (Hayran, Ceren and Grhan-Canli 2014). Within a week it was announced that the newly given name would be changed after conducting an audience polls as this iSnack 2.0 is simply not Australian. It later got changed to Chessybite chosen by the customers through a poll. Vegemite proved to be good listeners in the initial stage with their campaigns but the wrong selection of name led to drop in sales of the product. Proctor Gamble Brand Hierarchy and Brand Portfolio: Brand hierarchy can be defined as the means of abridgment of the brand strategies by exhibiting the numbers and the environment of common and typical elements of brands across the product of the organization in revealing the unambiguous ordering of the elements of brands. Corporate Branding: It can be stated as the observance of making use of the companys name as the brand name of the product. It is normally an attempt to employ equity in corporate brand for creating the brand appreciation. Example: Proctor and Gamble, Unilever Family Brand: It is when a cluster of products are given the similar brand name which is various products of the company are being marketed under the name of one brand. For instance in case of Proctor and Gamble it would be household products like Duracell and Eukanuba and other beauty care products like Olay and Head Shoulders. Individual Brand: Individual branding which is otherwise known as the individual product branding or even multi branding is a marketing strategy of philanthropy of each element within a portfolio through the unique brand name (Reddy, Reddy and Venkatesulu 2016). The benefit of individual brand name is that each product would be having an illustration and identity of its, that would be exclusive in nature. However, its disadvantage lies in the fact of enough complexity and expense implicated in augmenting a separate program for marketing in building adequate brand equity level. Proctor Gamble has many products that itself exhibits as an individual brand like Olay, Pantene, Braun, Duracell and Gillette. Modifier: It can be referred as the word or phrase that irrespective of whether it being family, corporate and individual brands is engaged necessitating promoting differentiated brands according to the various types of items involved. PG makes the best use of the social media sites like YouTube, Twitter and Facebook though having negligible presence on other websites like Pinterest and Google Plus. PG needs to channelize more resources towards the key sites such as Google+ along with the other sites for attaining enough reach. Online advertisement takes in the lowered impact of media. The company should aim their marketing penetration strategy through the strengthening of their market presence by attaining major shares in the market than their competitors (Riley et al. 2013). They need to provide services that are unique in nature, promoting the premium prices and increasing their per unit sales. In case of the marketing development, the company needs to start observing the trends that are present in the market, especially the ones that are being settled by their competitors. The innovation in the marketing development is introducing the updated version of the leading products of the company. In case of the divers ification strategy the organization needs to involve their stakeholders more along with obtaining the global and local company for increasing the assets of company in big volumes. The acquisitions of the company are for increasing the sort of the products that are being hosted by the company. The organization of the stature of PG should be able to thoroughly monitor through the various departments like the business units and organizations of developing market. The market development companies are in the habit of keeping a watch on the segments of the market and the existing trends though the units of business specifies the suitable strategies. Reinforcement program of Qantas: Qantas still remains the most valuable airlines of Australia, though its rankings are stating a different story. Trouble for Qantas would always be a bad news for Australia. This national carrier is the flag bearer for Australia at the global stage. It has been the first point of getting in touch with the visitors having with the country and its tailfins advertising the significance of Australia to travelers at the airports internationally. If Qantas were to fall short, it would be having an important brunt on pulling towards the country the factor of tourism, experienced people and speculation into Australia (Stuijfzand et al. 2016). Qantas was positioned at 14th place in Australias most valuable 100 brands only to slip to 17 this year. Qantas needed to reinforce their brand, coming up with new marketing programs having the ability to reinforce the brand through its spirit and worth. This facilitates the brand in generating more awareness, intensifying its reflection and market place existence. Qantas has adopted the platform of integrated marketing management offering appreciably operational competence, aperture the door for real-time customer campaigns. Implementation of all-in-one marketing stage is assisting Qantas a great deal for improving the campaigns, opening the door for real time customer rendezvous and communication. The industry of airlines is a tough business to be in. The costs are generally high with low margins where price is often stated by the fuel price over a time period. Qantas has announced a return of the profits, having undergone a belligerent Transformation Program. The airline has reported underlying pre-tax profits of around 975 m Australian dollars that is being compared to a loss of 646 million prior to a year (Reddy, Reddy and Venkatesulu 2016). The company has been highly emphasizing on the investments in technology, customer loyalty, technological investments and other digital strategies. This $2 billion Qantas transformation program has been the biggest step change in the organization, without which the company could not have announced any sort of profit. Qantas has always believed in the customers as their core strategy for which the transformation program has been convoyed by the regular investments in aircraft, training and technology. Qantas has also brought in the Qantas Acquire Loyalty program for its frequent fliers that are gradually becoming significant to the airlines using the customer data for offering more personalized services (Landis et al 2013). The organization has also purchased a calculating stake in the actuarial and data analytics adding to the in-depth imminent ability offering a new stream of revenue. 7 - Eleven Australia Pty Ltd. Revitalization Strategy: 7-Eleven Stores Australia Pty Ltd is an overall Australian owned family business that is being operating as the independent licensee of 7-Eleven in Australia. One of its products by the name of Slurpee became the worlds most accepted frozen carbonated beverage that was first known by the name of Icee (Dev, Chekitan and Kevin Lane Keller 2013). The year 2009 witnessed more than 10 million Slurpee cups being purchased resulting in the state of Brain Freeze. Slurpee was a product that was devoid of any significant marketing research and advertising and the product had it in it to sell itself. However, during the mid 2000s as part of its Project Energize program, 7-Eleven Australia went on board for a campaign to revitalize the brand Slurpee by capitalizing on the intrinsic appeal to the younger generation of people. 7-Eleven created a visual identification for celebrating the experience of Slurpee by fetching to life four things which are: Cram for More, Brain Freeze, Color your Tongue and Mix it Up. The genuine customers were being cast as Slurpers, creating a fresh visual language for the brand that was being revolved across all the touch-points, point-of-scale. To distribute this new situation in store, 7-Eleven Australia set regarding creation of an experience that the competitors would never be able to imitate. The core strategy was the creation of the Slurpee zones. These zones were brightly colored facilitating their customers for creating their Slurpee at their own individual place within the store, offering highly observable encouragement for the brand. This Slurpee zones provided the young guns the space for a social experience along with the prospect of mixing flavors and entering into the prize competitions. This Slurpee zones were transporting an experience in retail proscribed by customers with the chance of adding value beyond the limits of a simple consumptive procurement (David 2014). Certain marketing campaigns took in shoulder campaigns where a new Slurpee prod uct was offered that had advantages beyond the limit of refreshment. 7-Eleven also urbanized partnerships in confectionary that shared the brand values of Slurpee brand. These in turn buoyant customers in making numerous purchases in forming the Slurpee brand. The Slurpee revitalization program resulted in improved point of scale material for promotion, design of cups, augmenting the Slurpee zones and regular promotions and tie-ups. Reference: DallOlmo Riley, Francesca, Chris Hand, and Francesca Guido. "Evaluating brand extensions, fit perceptions and post-extension brand image: does size matter?."Journal of Marketing Management30, no. 9-10 (2014): 904-924. Link: Dev, Chekitan S., and Kevin Lane Keller. "Brand revitalization."Cornell Hospitality Quarterly55, no. 4 (2014): 333-341. Link: Hayran, Ceren, and Zeynep Grhan-Canli. "Brand extensions."The Routledge Companion to Contemporary Brand Management(2016): 136. Link:,+Ceren,+and+Zeynep+G%C3%BCrhan-Canli.+%22Brand+extensions.%22+The+Routledge+Companion+to+Contemporary+Brand+Management+(2016):+136.ots=wGSmu9olaVsig=hsCC3kOVf4bSVKO3nQQpbi84gIo#v=onepageqf=false Kaur, Harleen, and Ajay Pandit. "Consumer evaluation of brand extension: Empirical generalization and comparative analysis."Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science15, no. 1 (2014). Link: Keller, Kevin Lane. "Brand Revitalization."The Future of Branding(2015): 314. Laforet, Sylvie. "Effects of organisational culture on brand portfolio performance."Journal of Marketing Communications23, no. 1 (2017): 92-110. Link: Landis, L. "Reinforcement Strategies for High Performance Composites."Design World, March4 (2013): 2013. Link:,+L.+%22Reinforcement+Strategies+for+High+Performance+Composites.%22+Design+World,+March+4+(2013):+2013.source=blots=e4PCInS-Rmsig=ZVBimFDcFiBbLr9SJ1YpFUTGTu0hl=ensa=Xved=0ahUKEwiRrNL74L3TAhVLs48KHV_yCh0Q6AEIITAA#v=onepageq=Landis%2C%20L.%20%22Reinforcement%20Strategies%20for%20High%20Performance%20Composites.%22%20Design%20World%2C%20March%204%20(2013)%3A%202013.f=false Booth, Sue, and John Coveney. "Big FoodThe Industrial Food System." InFood Democracy, pp. 3-11. Springer Singapore, 2015. Link: Dixon, Jane, Libby Hattersley, and Bronwyn Isaacs. "Transgressing retail: supermarkets, liminoid power and the metabolic rift." InFood Transgressions: Making Sense of Contemporary Food Politics. Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2014. Link: Beverland, Michael, Angela Dobele, and Francis Farrelly. "The viral marketing metaphor explored through Vegemite."Marketing Intelligence Planning33, no. 5 (2015): 656-674. Link: Park, Seung Ho, Gerardo R. Ungson, and Andrew Cosgrove. "Defining the Drivers of Profitable Growth." InScaling the Tail: Managing Profitable Growth in Emerging Markets, pp. 67-90. Palgrave Macmillan US, 2015. Link: Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict. "Organizational Structures for Global Brands." InGlobal Brand Strategy, pp. 151-179. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2017. Link:
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Monarchy of the United Kingdom free essay sample
In the UK, Parliament consists of the monarchy, House of Commons and the House of Lords which have existed for centuries, however, some have expressed their concern on if they are carrying out their functions adequately. The Parliament is the prime legislative body in the UK have many functions such as creating laws, being representative, legitimizing legislation, calling the government to account as well as scrutinizing and amending legislation. It is made up of representatives who are voted in.Parliament’s main function is legislation and passing bills. It can make, amend and abolish any statue law it wants which is called parliamentary sovereignty and because the UK follows an uncodified constitution, this allows policies and laws to be passed easily. We will write a custom essay sample on Monarchy of the United Kingdom or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Laws can also be passed easily because of the First Past the Post system which overrepresents larger parties because the majority of the government MP’s vote in line with the government, so the governments policies can be passed easily. This is very different in the US as they follow a codified constitution and can take up to several years to pass a bill which can be done in a few days in the UK. Parliament can also give power to other bodies to make laws on its behalf which are then called the devolved assemblies and local governments. In reality, however, there is little free debate and discussion as MP’s have to follow the party line and pass legislation. It can also be argued that a government with no debates and compromisation can be argued to eventually result in an elective dictatorship.Parliament’s other function is representation. The UK follows a representative democracy where decisions are made by elected representatives rather than the people themselves. It is argued that representation in parliament is strong as many sections of society and associations are represented effectively as decisions are made by representatives who have more expertise in particular areas of policies and can help to improve legislation. People also feel that representatives will have the more political knowledge and the forth are more effective when questioning the minister or calling the government to account (scrutinizing the government). However, it is not successful in all aspects of representation as it does not reflect the social makeup of the UK. Major parties also have an unfair representation when it comes to MP’s as there are a huge gender and ethical disparity in terms of representation. Another issue with the representation that the First Past the Post system does not represent the majority of the views of the electorate. This can be seen during the 2010 general election where 52. 8% of the votes cast were wasted. If the electorate is not fairly represented, then all illusion of a democracy falls away. This is one of the areas where parliament fails at functioning as it does not represent the majority of the public’s views, not being a democratic process.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Korean pop culture and globalization Essay Example
Korean pop culture and globalization Essay Example Korean pop culture and globalization Paper Korean pop culture and globalization Paper Introduction: Korea Pop Culture and Globalization Recently, â€Å"Gangnam Style†, the vocal which is composed and sung by a Korean vocalist, has created a new Korean wave all over the universe. Though the wordss are written in Korean, it is unexpected that the official music picture ofGangnam Stylehas already viewed about 20 billion times on YouTube from 2012 to show ( YouTube, 2014 ) and go a planetary hit vocal. Besides,My Love from the Star,the Korean TV play distributed by Seoul Broadcasting System ( SBS ) , besides slingshot to fame and go a gossip subject for many homemakers and immature people in the East Asia, like in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Vietnam. This new Korean moving ridge, or person would name it Hallyu ( eYâ€Å"? µ? ) phenomena, attracts people from different states to pay attending to the pop civilization in Korea. In the late 1990s, South Korean cultural merchandises have started to catch public, particularly Asian’s attending under the impact of Globalization. Different Korean Television play, such asWinter SonataandDae Jang Geum, made a hit in the Korean domestic market. Following this success, these Television plans were picked up by foreign Television channels and gained popularity bit by bit through word-of-mouth and the media. In fact, the term of Korean moving ridge was named by Chinese mass media in 2001 in reacting to the turning credence of Korean dad civilization in China. To some extent, Korean dad civilization is perceived as an option of Nipponese pop civilization. It should be noted that there was Harizu ( aâ€Å"--? ) in Hong Kong and Taiwan in the late eightiess and early 1990s. The term of Harizu labels people who are indulged in Japan and its civilization. However, it seems that the Nipponese pop civilization did non viral every bit wider as the Korean 1. In contrary with Nipponese pop civilization, the one from Korea is supported and promoted by the Chinese media, and accepted by some Western states. There are two chief grounds why the Korean dad civilization successfully captures people’s eyes around the universe. First, Nipponese media companies did non sell their cultural merchandises actively in the international market ( Iwabuchi, 2004 ) , and hence its development limited to Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore merely. Second, Nipponese cultural merchandises were non welcomed or even banned by Chinese media due to historical struggles . On the other manus, China is more unfastened to Korean pop civilization while the people portion the similar experience of being colonized by Nipponese people in the early 20Thursdaycentury. In the paper, although is non aimed at explicating the differences between J-pop and K-pop, is purposed for analysing the Hallyu discourse under the cultural globalisation. We would discourse the alterations of dad civilization and the singularity of Korean dad cultural merchandises, in order to analysis how the Korean moving ridge could take topographic point in this planetary small town in recent decennaries. Popular Culture under Globalization: From America to Korea Indeed, there are different definitions of pop civilization, but no 1 could deny that the Western popular civilization has emerged to planetary mainstream in late 20Thursdayand early 21stcentury. After the Second World War, the mass media invention led to large-scale political and cultural alterations. And pop civilization began to take topographic point in America. Besides, during the Cold War period, different little states were put in two cantonments – Communists and Capitalists – by two world powers, viz. the U.S.A and the Soviet Union. The Cold War, in a certain extent, promoted the cultural globalisation by promoting in-migration inside the cantonments and making corporate cultural individualities. Besides, Soviet Union and America propagate their political orientations to their cantonments, and acted as a â€Å"theoretical†arm to contend against their oppositions. Thankss to the prostration of Soviet Union, the Western civilization spread out and go an in fluential power. Popular civilization, as the same clip, is regarded as an of import component in Western modernisation, which provides a different gustatory sensation of amusement and alterations people’s life style. Due to the America-led globalisation, its pop cultural merchandises are being exported to other Western and Asiatic states. The South Korean media and authorities, on the other manus, follow a somewhat different way of advancing its pop civilization. Unlike Americanization, Lee ( 2013 ) sees Hallyu phenomena as a sort of non-hegemonic local cultural globalisation. The Western dad civilization, particularly pop music, is regarded as a homogenising cultural power which encouraged people to fling their domestic signifiers of civilization and follow the trendy signifiers. On contrary, Korean dad civilization is non aimed at extinguishing the cultural features of other states or even replacing American or Nipponese pop civilization. Alternatively, it added deepness and diverseness to both Korean and international market. For certain, it is difficult for non-hegemonic civilization to derive recognized and grab attending from international audience. For illustration, Nipponese dad civilization had swept over Hong Kong and Taiwan, its impact is limited. K-pop civilization, nevertheless, is mostly supported by bot h domestic and international media market. Before discoursing why Korean dad civilization could stands out, we should first look into how globalisation and other elements help making and organizing K-pop civilization. First, American military personnels were sent to South Korea after the terminal of Japan’s colonisation. It did non merely convey the Western civilization, but besides took the American engineering of amusement production to South Korea. Thankss to the engineerings transfer, Korean cultural merchandises have turned to be widely accepted by the Korean young person. Second, the political democratisation in 1980s has laid down the footing of media democratisation in the ulterior times. Under the opinion of military autocratic government, the Korean mass media was chiefly controlled by the authorities. During the democratic passage, Korean people demanded for a more broad public communicating and media environment ( Shim, 2008 ) , and eventually induced to media democratisation in the late eightiess. It was w idely believed that the Korean imperativeness would no longer be suppressed by bumbling manners of censoring under the democratic authorities. The former Korean president Roh Tae-woo proved this statement. In 1989, the thought of establishing overseas telegram telecasting was suggested by the authorities Commission for Broadcasting System Research. In 1990, the commercial SBS was licensed by the authorities and being operated in 1991. SBS is the first commercial telecasting station and seen as an option of an oligopoly of other two public broadcasters, Korea Broadcasting System ( KBS ) and Munhwa Broadcasting Company ( MBC ) . The media democratisation helps making a more free competition and promoting diverseness in media industries. As a consequence, the quality of Korean pop cultural merchandises enhanced, as manufacturers and broadcasters get involved into the â€Å"drama war†by seting attempt on widening into antecedently untasted subjects, composing a better narrative and doing shooting in foreign states. Last, Korea was forced to open its market, including the sectors of film and telecasting, in the name of globalisation ( Shim, 2008 ) . Under the force per unit area from the U.S, foreign movie companies have been allowed to administer their movies without go throughing through local distributers in Korea since 1988. Consequently, the imports of foreign movie increased from 25 to 175 between 1984 and 1988. Furthermore, as General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) was transformed into the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) , member states of GATT, including Korea, are responsible for opening their media and cultural industries shortly. Because of the big figure of foreign cultural merchandises import, Korean civilization was in danger. In order to salvage the singularity of Korean civilization, the authorities decided to supply revenue enhancement inducements for movie devising and subsidise single movie productions. In this friendly environm ent, the domestic market portion of Korean movie had bit by bit increased from 15.9 % in 1993 to 35.5 % in 2000, and has recorded over 50 % since 21stcentury ( Korean Film Council, 2013 ) . In short, as challenged by the cultural globalisation and shaped by the Western civilization, Korean civilization was forced to better its quality and added some Western elements, in order to suit the gustatory sensation of modern people. However, the betterment of Korean dad civilization is out of the blue turned into the creative activity of Korean wave eventually. The Korean moving ridge: From East Asia to the West Sing the phenomena of Korean moving ridge, Chua Beng Huat and Iwabuchi ( 2008 ) stated that the Korean popular cultural merchandises stood out because of the â€Å"felicitous timing†. As celebrated antecedently, Korean dad civilization consolidate its domestic power in early 1990s, and it contributed to the stepping up of Korean wave in the ulterior times. In 1997, the Asiatic fiscal crisis applied two impacts on the tendency of popular civilization. First and first, Korean Television and media industries are forced to look for foreign market to turn to its fiscal jobs caused by the fiscal crisis. Second, telecasting industries, which in the states and parts affected by the economic downswing, were besides looking for cheaper foreign plans in order to cut the cost. During 1990s, Korean TV dramas merely be a one-fourth of monetary value of the one of Japan, and a ten percent of monetary value of Hong Kong’s production ( Shim, 2008 ) . Thankss to the low cost and high qu ality of cost, Korean Television plans were purchased by media industries in East Asia and successfully turned foreigner’s eyes from Western and Nipponese dad cultural merchandises to the Korean 1. The â€Å"felicitous timing†, at the same clip, points out that Korea grabbed a good opportunity in acquiring into the ‘geo-cultural’ market in East Asia ( Lee, 2013 ) . During the late eightiess and early 1990s, although Hong Kong and Japan exported its cultural merchandises to other East Asiatic states, its power is limited, as some developing East Asiatic states, such as Vietnam and the Philippines, did non hold much clip and resources to pay attending to either domestic or foreign cultural merchandises, but concentrate on its economic development. These states besides did non open its media market at that clip. However, in the late 1990s, the East Asiatic geo-cultural market was developed in the late 1990s and demanded for planetary cultural merchandises with different features. It was a great clip for Korean popular civilization to distribute out, while people are bored by Nipponese and Hong Kong Television plans, other Asiatic states did non hold the fiscal and cultural capital to supply quality and competitory cultural merchandises for the international media market. Due to the failing of rivals, it paves the manner for Korean dad civilization to win the competition. The Korean moving ridge, so, emerged all of a sudden like a roar which was non expected by either Korean people or aliens. It was suggested that the Korean moving ridge is followed by the Korean Television play in the late ninetiess and early 2000s. In 1997, the Television playA Star in My Heartwas distributed in China and greatly favours most of the Chinese urban people. Following withthe Winter Sonatain Japan and another roar withDai Jang Geumin Hong Kong, the moving ridge seems to be extended to the Asiatic urban countries. The Korean moving ridge, harmonizing to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Korea, contributed to the addition in visitants and Korean merchandises export ( Hwang, 2011 ) . Three sectors, including touristry, movie and telecasting plans, are mostly benefited from the impact of Hallyu and generated considerable economic net incomes ( Lee, 2008 ) . For illustration, exports of Korean Television plans abroad brought about $ 71.5 million in 2003, while Televisio n play accounted for about $ 60 million, which is 91.8 % portion of the entire export value ( Lee, 2005 ) . On the footing of the Hallyu consequence, which shows the bright hereafter of Korea popular civilization, the Korean authorities adopted different policies to advance its ‘soft power’ to the universe. While the Korean moving ridge was led chiefly by K-pop music and Television plans, the Gyeonggi provincial authorities suggested to construct an amusement composite, which would be called HallyuWood, by 2008 ( Korea Foundation for International Culture Exchange, 2008 ) , in the name of advancing Korean movie merchandises to the universe. The authorities besides helps modulating the quality of pop civilization by implementing specialised plans in civilization engineerings in universities and nurture Korean endowments in the industries. Besides, the Culture Ministry decided to diverse the beginnings to publicise both traditional Korean civilization and popular civilization. For case, the authorities put a big sum of disbursement over 87 billion won since 2009 on advancing i ts traditional culinary art, as a manner to follow American’s ‘McDonaldization’ . In fact, mass media in Europe and the United States on a regular basis reported the narratives of Korean dishes, in order to increase consciousness among the Western people. While the authorities extends both fiscal and material support to abroad Korean eating house, more foreign people are willing to seek Korean dishes these yearss ( Lee, 2012 ) . Besides, the authorities helps constructing a assortment of tourer attractive forces. For illustration, Chungmuro has turned to be a Korean Wave subject street since 2011. Myungbo Art Hall besides has converted into a â€Å"Korean Wave experience center†. The ‘Korean Wave’ undertaking, which costs 21.4 billion won, would exhibit name home bases and manus prints of celebrated Korean histrions and actresses ( Oh, 2011 ) . Thankss to the governmental support and the development of Digital engineerings and Information engineerings, the Korean moving ridge now take rooted in East Asia and started to overspread to the West. To some extent, it is easy for people to portion information on the Internet in this twenty-four hours and age. As a consequence, Korean pop cultural merchandises could be easy gone viral to other states and Korean soap operas maintain pulling people’s attending over the universe. Wang Qi-shan, the caput of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection mentioned â€Å" ( The Korean Television playMy Love from the Star )is now taking China by storm†( Sohn, 2014 ) . Although the Television play did non pull much the Western people, because of a different civilization and gustatory sensation, K-pop vocal and Television assortment show did. As mentioned before,Gangnam Style, the vocal Sung by PSY, creates a new unit of ammunition of Hallyu to the West. On September 14, 20 12, the vocal came in as No. 64 on the Billboard Hot 100 – the chief individual chart in America. Two hebdomads subsequently, it was surprisingly ranked No.2 on the same chart and the place had maintained for seven back-to-back hebdomads. Most significantly, the vocal besides ranked as No.1 in European states like the U.K, Germany, Brazil and Australia. Though different K-pop graven image groups, including BigBang, Girls’ Generation and Wonder Girls, promoted their albums to the West, the successful narrative of PSY is unprecedented. Furthermore,Runing Man,the assortment shows produced by SBS, non merely followed closely by Asiatic people, but the Western people besides. In the past few old ages, the production squad of running adult male was invited by the authorities of Thailand, China and Hong Kong, in order to advance its touristry. In 2014, the bend is passed to the Australian authorities. In the particular episodes of Australia, different tourer attractive forces , such as Tanglooma Island Resort and Royal Arcade, were highlighted and promoted by the MCs and different beautiful shootings. It reveals that the Western people begin to take their eyes on Korean cultural merchandises and believe in its influential power. Most significantly, many Korean dad stars and graven image groups start looking on foreign Television ads and assist advancing their merchandises. For illustration, Kim Soo Hyun, the histrion ofMy Love,is invited to be the interpreter of Samsonite – an American transnational baggage trade name – late. Decision Surely, the Hallyu phenomena non merely further the modernisation of Korea, but besides bring some negative effects to the state.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Breadtalk International Marketing Plan Strategy Free Sample
Breadtalk pany Limited is a Singaporean bakery, founded in 2000. The enterprise runs a chain of 38 retail outlets through Breadtalk Pre Limited (BreadTalk Group Limited, 2014: 1-17). These stores sell snacks such as buns, pastries, cakes, and bread. Breadtalk is a focused pany; a clear mission statement guides its operations. It also enjoys services from highly trained and qualified managers and mitted stakeholders. In honor-ship of bread making activities, Breadtalk pany is on a mission to lead a new lifestyle that prises of innovative changes and creativity in differentiations (BreadTalk Group Limited, 2016; 1-13). Therefore, it aims at crafting products with vibrancy and passion. As the pany strives to gain petitive advantages to withstand market conditions, Breadtalk has set long-term goals. First, the pany is enhancing its presence across the globe, in particular on the Asian Market, premium, and target halal (rephrase). Other objectives are the realization of the present product level by 15% alongside ing back within a time span of less than a year. By the end of the next biennium, it is targeting at cultivating two green market advantages. Through its operations, BreadTalk aims to sell its products mainly, in the Asian market, premium and halal. The pany is also targeting individuals with experience food; such as customizers and food trend followers Currently, the food market has b e more petitive due to the entry of new with similar products. BreadTalk is pleted by Bengawal solo, Four leaves, Swee Heng and Baker Talent. To ove e these rival panies, it is creating a young, fashion and good image to consumers with distinct tastes. Having gained popularity over the past years, BreadTalk is spearheading by consistency provision of stylish and fresh snack culture. Apparently, this strategy is attracting more consumers. BreadTalk market segmentation prises of up-scale suburb customers. The pany is also targeting working professionals and young generations. Another targeted group is high-market-i e households. Enhancing accessibility of the market, BreadTalk is focusing on consumers who have bread as their favorite and hence, consider the importance of fresh and healthy food (Research and M 0005, 2016). Fortunately, such consumers are willing to try new products. They are also loyal to the pany and make huge purchases. Breadtalk market is segmented into the following; behavioral, demographic, psychographic, and geographical differences. Currently, the Asian market demand is based on quality and product freshness. In, response, the BreadTalk has e up with effective marketing behavioral act such as offering different cakes and bread. The quality of these products is highly supervised by the enterprise before delivery. Another marketing behavioral practice done by the pany is stimulation of customers’ senses. In so doing, all the products supplied are not only of value but also available in attractive packages. BreadTalk is expanding its franchise network rapidly. While serving the entire Asian population, the pany has forged the partnership in Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Bahrain and Hong Kong. The demography is also intended to cover Sri Lanka, Qatar, Lebanon and Myanmar. In response to various locations, BreadTalk adjusts their product in line with culture. To this respect, the pany provides a mixture of Asian and Western tastes resulting in approximately 150 different products. As BreadTalk is controlling these variables to satisfy the desire of customers in various locations. It also aims at gaining more consumers hence, realizing the firm’s objectives (Peter and Donnelly, 2003). BreadTalk pany supplies outstanding products across the Asian market, making it a lifestyle brand. Not mentioning attractive packaging, the products are of high quality. Furthermore, they are fresh. This market segmentation strategy maintains focus to abstract the entire Asian Market in its line of business. Significantly, the pany is soldiering on to strengthen its appearance across the world. This global expansion span is aimed at creating over 500 more outlets (Jitpleecheep, 2012). Also, the pany is focused on launching two new brands; The Icing Room and Bread Society. On the same note, the organization is offering series of launch specials both on BreadTalk App and stores. Strategically, the pany is also health oriented; iPad and iPhone apps have been formed to enable go-consumers to buy coupons on-the-go. They can also redeem them in exchange for products. BreadTalk Group Limited. (2016), ‘Breadtalk Group Limited Marketline pany Profile’, pp. 1-13. BreadTalk Group Limited. (2014), ‘Breadtalk Group Limited Marketline pany Profile’, pp. 1-17. Jitpleecheep, P. (2012), ‘BreadTalk to double Thai presence’, Bangkok Post (Thailand) (16 May 2016) accessed 24 September 2016. Peter, J. P., and Donnelly, J. H. (2003). A preface to marketing management. Boston, McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Research and M 0005. (2016), ‘Global Fresh Baked Products Market 2016-2020 With Breadtalk, Dunkin Donuts, Einstein Bros. Bagels, Greggs, Panera Bread & Tim Hortons Dominating - Research and Markets. Business Wire (English), December, Regional Business News. With a decade's experience in providing essay help,
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Compare and contrast the processes of democratisation in [country X] Essay
Compare and contrast the processes of democratisation in [country X] and [country Y] - Essay Example emocratization was initiated in both the countries soon after and the cessation of Latvia from the Soviet Union and the voluntary change in the Bulgarian monopolistic Communist party’s ideology. Now, after almost twenty years of the democratic process, both the countries are part of the European Union, a fact indicative of their progress and success in making social and political changes. The current paper aims to analyze the process of democratization in the two countries, Latvia and Bulgaria, and to compare and contrast them on their achievements towards the same. The theoretical frameworks employed by scholars in studying the process of democratization largely fall into two categories. The first approach, called the functionalist approach, proposes that the process of democracy is brought about as a result of economic or cultural development or ushered in simply by the changing times and modernization. Another approach, called the genetic view, that is employed in studying the process of democratization is to assess the involvement of political thinkers and leaders who have contributed in bringing about a change in political thought and practice. (Vanhanen and Pridham, 1994). The present paper aims to combine both the functional as well as the genetic approach in studying and comparing the process of democratization in two Eastern European nations – Latvia and Bulgaria. In order to compare and contrast the process of democratization in the Latvia and Bulgaria, it is necessary to study the historical factors that were responsible for the process to set in as well as understand the structural changes, the social and political struggles and changes that led to the evolution of a democratic electoral system in the two countries. Democratization in the Eastern European nations was influenced by both external and internal factors. (Vanhanen and Pridham, 1994). The external factors like the reforms already started in the Soviet Union by Gorbachev and the
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Do Family Medicine doctors have the same results as Specialists Essay
Do Family Medicine doctors have the same results as Specialists (Endocrinologist) for diabetic Patients - Essay Example This issue has to be controlled. The best way to do that is through ensuring that the areas of its concentration are identified and awareness created to the people. This paper will be able to explain more on the diabetes epidemic. It will be able to tackle on the ways the people with the problem can be able to control it. It will also give ways on how to be able to care for the people who are already affected with the disease (Ede and Jackson 32). Chronic diseases like diabetes present multiple comorbidities and have significant medical and economic implications. The different effects do cause a significant problem to the patients. Diabetes can be able to cause a significant loss to the patients and even make their general health in a big risk (GÃ ¦de, Lund-Andersen and Parving 582). The different medication that is used for the treatment of this disease can have other effects to the patients. These effects can either be positive or negative (Hills and Parizkova 269). It is the responsibility of the patient to be able to ensure the medication is taken in the right way and is combined with a good diet. Some of the effects are as shown below. One of the common effects of the disease is Sulfonylureas. It is whereby the patient face issues like stomach upset, low blood pressure, weight gain and skin rash. This problem may be able to make the person uncomfortable. It might also cause obesity if the person is not careful with the diet (Jacobson 426). Another problem that can be able to attack the patients is Metformin. It will be able to make the patient suffer from kidney complications, upset stomach, tiredness, alcohol sickness, metal taste or dizziness (Keller and Heymsfied 1069). Diabetes medication is also known for causing Meglitinides. The symptoms of this problem include weight gain and low blood pressure. These symptoms may be able to lead other issues
Friday, January 24, 2020
We Must Have the Right to Defend Our Home Essay -- Castle Doctrine, Se
The Castle Doctrine is a bill that was passed which lets you defend yourself with necessary force in your residence if someone is breaking into your home. Criminals like to go after easy targets such as, the elderly, disabled citizens, children, and people who are unarmed. Every citizen has the right to live free and happy, if they are attacked they should be able to defend themselves and their property without being charged as a murderer. The previous state law, if someone unlawfully enters your home or attempts a car-jacking, you are required to first retreat instead of immediately fighting to protect yourself. The trouble is on the home owner to define that an intruder intends to do them bodily harm before the home owner can use appropriate force against them (InfoKwik). Having a gun for personal protection is a constitutional right. When facing an armed criminal an armed citizen levels the playing field. When you are in your own home and someone is breaking in and you see them armed or unarmed, they have no right to be in your home anyway. The castle doctrine, in this ca...
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Mountain Men and Merchants
Mountain Men and Merchants; How the West was Explored and Tamed Chad D. Ramsey Student #4101887 History 300 Professor Tracy Derks December 15th 2011 During the beginning and throughout the 19th century, mountain men, trappers and merchants of the fur trade made a vital impact on the development of the previously uncharted West. These men came primarily from the East coast of the United States with a desire for adventure and the calling of a better life.Men like James Bridger, Jedediah Smith, Osborne Russell, Warren Ferris and numerous others left with expedition teams with what they could carry on their backs and on pack animals to explore the Western frontier. While these men appeared to be brave, and experienced some of the harshest conditions that the West had to offer, they were not alone, nor without help in the frontier. The mountain man had to forge relationships over the years with a key ally he would need to survive, the American Indian.Many members of these tribes, most not ably, the Crow, Flathead, Cheyenne, and Shoshone helped these mountain men in their education and understanding of the complexities of the relatively unexplored area. These adventurers, frontiersmen, and trappers were also an industrious cross section of society, who played a vital part in the history of the United States. While American Indians helped Mountain Men to explore the rugged West and were a vital link to route exploration and survival techniques, it was the trappers’ writings, maps and fur trading that played a more important role in the development and exploration of the West.One of the most important roles that these Mountain Men played initially, was that of cartographers. The rough sketching, and understanding of the layout of the land and of cardinal direction, were key ingredients for the success of the Mountain Man. Utley described these talents in Mountain Man Warren Ferris when he observed, â€Å"By Ferris’s time, most trappers could visualize a m ap of the American West more accurate and comprehensive than existed anywhere on aper. Some of what they saw, and knew, leaked out through St. Louis newspapers or spread by word of mouth. Most, However, remained locked in their minds, awaiting the intermediary equipped by training and skill to lay it before the literate world. †1 During the summer of 1847, proclaimed Mountain Man Jim Bridger had already been assisting the early Mormon pioneers who had been crossing the vast stretches of the plains in search of their Zion.Bridger had conferred with Mormon leader Brigham Young about the accuracy of his on hand maps, and even spent time drawing a map of the region for him in the dirt. Stanley Vestal described this situation when he wrote, â€Å"All that Brigham had to go by were the maps prepared by Colonel John C. Fremont- and divine guidance. Old Jim had not heard of divine guidance, and said he was â€Å"ashamed of the maps of Fremont, who knew nothing about the country, onl y the plain travelled road, and that he (Bridger) could correct all the maps published of the western world. 2 These invaluable resources also included the ability to disseminate the information and details of the drawings and maps onto other pieces of parchment, or to communicate them verbally into written form within the pages of a journal or other medium. Within the pages of Osborne Russell’s book titled, Journal of a Trapper are some nine highly detailed maps and routes that take the reader along the many legs of his journeys from 1834-1843. His maps and drawings are an example of a man who was dedicated to the work he was undertaking, and for the detail and chronology that went into it.One such excerpt concerning these details was from Osborne’s journal from June 19, 1835 when he stated, â€Å"This country affords no timber except the quaking Asp which grows in small scrubby groves in the nooks and ravines among the hills 20th we left the waters of Gray’s Creek and crossed a low place in the mountain in an east direction fell on to a small stream running into Lewis’ fork-distance 10 mls. 21st travelled East following this stream to the mouth about 15 mls which [was] about 30 mls.Below the mouth of Salt River. †3 The techniques of hunting and survival were both crucial skills for the mountain men and the trapper. They each had unspoken rules and guidelines that they lived by on a daily basis, and were the ethos they lived by. They trusted their lives to those that they knew, and who with they had fought, and were highly skeptical of any outsiders. The mountain man rarely asked anyone for any kind of assistance, while he held his own standards and earned his daily keep.These men were richly versed in the art of setting up and breaking down a campsite, and could build survival shelters and out buildings that could easily withstand the harshest of winters. Mountain men were also skilled and versed in the field craft of hunti ng game, and known for not wasting any part of a kill. Weber described one of these situations when he noted, â€Å"His companions on that trip long remember how Huddart, crazed by thirst, stuck his head inside a freshly killed buffalo to drink its blood; the story continued to be told on the trail for at least another decade. 4 Some of the essentials that every frontiersman, hunter, and trapper would have on their body or near them at all times included the following: Moccasins and buckskins, a Russell Green River knife found at most trading posts or rendezvous, a trusty horse, a good, comfortable hat to keep the sun off of the face, a â€Å"possibles bag†that carried in it everything to care for and fire a rifle, and lastly, a reliable hunting rifle.Osborne describes his personal kit he carried with him, when he declared, â€Å"A trapper’s equipment in such cases is generally one animal upon which is placed one or two epishemores, (rectangles of buffalo robe which served as padding under the saddle, and as mattresses to sleep on), a riding saddle and bridle, a sack containing six beaver traps, a blanket with an extra pair of moccasins, his powder horn and bullet pouch, with a belt to which is attached a butcher knife, a wooden box containing bait for beaver, a tobacco sack with a pipe and implements for making fire, with sometimes a hatchet fastened to the pommel of the saddle.His personal dress is a flannel or cotton shirt (if he is fortunate enough to obtain one, if not antelope skin answers the purpose of over and undershirt), a pair of leather breeches with blanket or smoked buffalo skin leggings, a coat made of blanket or buffalo robe, a hat or cap of wool, buffalo or otter skin, his hose (socks) are pieces of blanket wrapped around his feet, which are covered with a pair of moccasins made of dressed deer, elk, or buffalo skins, with his long hair falling loosely over his shoulders, completes his uniform.He then mounts and places his ri fle before him on his saddle. †5 In addition to the American Indian helping the mountain men and trappers with survival and hunting knowledge, mountain men also did the same for the Indian in return. Trappers and hunters were the first to introduce to the Indians the use of forged metals for hunting and survival. Large and small game traps were a valuable asset that could be used in multiple areas, and hunting rifles and knives were routinely traded and purchased by the American Indian to enhance and improve their way of life. Notes . Robert Utley, A Life Wild and Perilous: Mountain Men and the Paths to the Pacific (New York: Henry Holt and Co. , 1998), 155. 2. Stanley Vestal, Jim Bridger Mountain Man a Biography (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1970), 160. 3. Osborne Russell, Journal of a Trapper: In the Rocky Mountains Between 1834 & 1843, ed. Aubrey L. Haines (Santa Barbara: The Narrative Press, 2001), 14. 4. Weber, David J. The Taos Trappers (Norman: University of O klahoma Press, 1971), 73. 5. Russell, Osborne. Voices from the Wilderness: the Frontiersman’s Own Story, ed.Thomas Froncek (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974), 321. Bibliography Morgan, Dale. Jedediah Smith and the Opening of the West (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1953). Russell, Osborne. Journal of a Trapper: In the Rocky Mountains Between 1834 & 1843, ed. Aubrey L. Haines (Santa Barbara: The Narrative Press, 2001). Russell, Osborne. Journal of a Trapper: or, Nine years in the Rocky Mountains, 1834-1843: being a general description of the country, climate, rivers, lakes, mountains, etc. , and a view of the life by a hunter in those regions by Osborne Russell, ed. L. A.York (Boise: Syms-York, 1914). Russell, Osborne. Voices from the Wilderness: the Frontiersman’s Own Story, ed. Thomas Froncek (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974). Utley, Robert. A Life Wild and Perilous: Mountain Men and the Paths to the Pacific (New York: Henry Holt and Co. , 1998). Vestal, Stanley. Jim B ridger Mountain Man a Biography (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1970). Weber, David J. The Taos Trappers (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1971). http://www. mountainsofstone. com/rendezvous. htm http://westernexplorers. us/FurTrade. html http://www. uintahbasintah. org/usmountainmen. htm
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Frederick McKinley Jones
Frederick McKinley Jones was one of the most prolific black inventors and held over 60 patents at the time of his death. Some of his most important work changed the way we store and transport our food, and altered the transportation and grocery industries forever. Fast Facts: Frederick McKinley Jones Born: May 17, 1893 in Cincinnati, OhioDied: February 21, 1961 in Minneapolis, MinnesotaKnown For: Inventor who revolutionized the refrigeration industry and held over 60 patentsEducation: Orphaned at a young age, Jones had little formal education, but he taught himself automobile mechanics and became an engineerAwards and Honors: First African American elected to the American Society of Refrigeration Engineers, and first African American to be awarded a National Medal of Technology (posthumously) Early Years A native of Cincinnati, Ohio, Frederick McKinley Jones was born on May 17, 1893, to an Irish father, John Jones, and an African American mother. By the time he was 7 years old, his mother had deserted the family, and his father sent him to live with a Catholic priest in a rectory in Covington, Kentucky, just across the Ohio River from Cincinnati. While in Kentucky, young Fredericks father passed away, essentially leaving him an orphan. When he was 11, Jones decided hed had enough of living with the priest, so he ran away and returned to Cincinnati. During his teen years, he found work doing odd jobs around the city, and soon found he had a natural aptitude for automobile mechanics. He also began to read a lot, although he had little formal education. At 19, he traveled north to a farm in Hallock, Minnesota, where he took a job doing mechanical labor on the farm machinery, and soon was able to obtain an engineering license. When war broke out, Jones enlisted in the U.S. Army, where he was in high demand for his mechanical abilities. He spent much of the war making repairs to machines and other equipment, as well as maintaining communications systems at the front. After his military service ended, he returned to the farm in Minnesota. Inventions While living at the Hallock farm, Jones began to take an interest in electronics, and read as much as he could on the subject. According to, When the town decided to fund a new radio station, Jones built the transmitter needed to broadcast its programming. He also developed a device to combine moving pictures with sound. Local businessman Joseph A. Numero subsequently hired Jones to improve the sound equipment he produced for the film industry. Numeros company, Cinema Supplies, was excited about Jones inventions, and within a few years, the two of them would form a partnership. Frederick McKinley Jones, inventor, refrigeration expert and cofounder of Thermo King Corp., holding a model of his refrigerated railroad car. Bettmann Archive / Getty Images Mobile Refrigeration In the 1930s, it was risky to transport perishable products. Grocery shipments were typically limited to short distances; ice melted quickly, and any sort of electronic refrigeration unit required a layover at a power source, which delayed delivery time. However, by 1938, Jones believed he had found a solution, and in 1940 he obtained a patent for the first practical transport refrigeration unit for the trucking industry. Jones designed a portable air-cooling device, which included an undercarriage gasoline motor sturdy enough to handle the jolts of long-distance travel. Early modifications made the units even smaller and lighter, and moved them to the over-the-cab mount that is still in use on refrigeration trucks today. Suddenly, people in rural or isolated areas could have access to fresh produce, meat, and dairy items all year long. Further advancements soon led to standardized refrigerated containers which could be utilized on a truck, ship, or train, all without the need of unloading and repacking. The transport refrigeration industry boomed with the creation of these refrigerated boxcars, all of which used Jones technology. Together with Numero, who sold Cinema Supplies, Jones formed the U.S. Thermo Control Company, which grew rapidly in the 1940s. During World War II, the company provided refrigeration units that were used to help preserve not only food, but also blood and medicine for the military. In addition, U.S. Thermo Control cooling products were built into the cockpits of bombers and ambulance planes, and also provided air conditioning to personnel in field hospitals. Near the end of the war, Jones became the first African American inducted into the American Society of Refrigeration Engineers, and by 1949, U.S. Thermo Controlâ€â€which later became Thermo Kingâ€â€was worth several million dollars. Throughout the 1950s, Jones did consultant work for the Department of Defense, the Bureau of Standards, and other branches of the government. Although he is best known for his work with refrigeration units, during his lifetime, Frederick Jones patented over 60 inventions. He created X-ray machines, small and large engines, and sound equipment for radio and film production, generators, and even a machine that dispensed paper tickets. Jones passed away in Minneapolis, after a battle with lung cancer, on February 21, 1961. In 1977, he was inducted into the Minnesota Inventors Hall of Fame. Thirty years after his death, President George H.W. Bush awarded the National Medal of Technology posthumously to Jones and Numero, presenting the awards to their widows in the White House Rose Garden. Jones was the first African American to receive the National Medal of Technology. Sources â€Å"Frederick Jones.†, AE Networks Television, 19 Jan. 2018,â€Å"Frederick McKinley Jones.† The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Ed,, 2019,â€Å"Frederick McKinley Jones.†, National Inventors Hall of Fame, 2007,â€Å"Frederick McKinley Jones: How Has He Transformed the Scene?† Richard G. (Gurley) Drew,
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