Sunday, December 22, 2019
Effects of Technology on Social Relationships Essay
As much as I regret to admit it, I’m attached to my phone. I’m constantly reaching into my pocket to check the time, make sure I haven’t gotten a new update, or to send a message. I do this even when I’m not talking to anyone! It’s become an addiction, having to make sure I’m not missing anything, and Im not the only one who has this problem. Seventy-five percent of the world population has a cell phone, and that number will only increase. With the creation of new technology portions of life have become easier. Technology has changed the way we go through life. It’s made talking to people easier, as well as keeping up with the lives of others. However, the effects have affected the aspects of our lives that don’t include technology.†¦show more content†¦You’re expected to keep it short and sweet, because most people just want to hear the point and move on. This is noticeable when you talk to people of different a ges. The people who have grown up using technology keep their conversations quick and easy. There’s no more explaining how your day was; you simply state an adjective to describe it and people accept that. We have become accustomed to reading about other people’s thoughts in a hundred and forty characters or less. Carr mentions that reading short snippets on the internet have affected him in other ways, â€Å"When I mention my troubles with reading to friends and acquaintances-literary types, most of them-many say they’re having similar experiences. The more they use the Web, the more they have to fight to stay focused on long pieces of writing.†(Carr 14) People don’t want to read the story of your day, but it’s nice to know you had a good one. Technology has caused our attention span to shorten in all sides of our lives. Matt Richtel, another journalist agrees that focusing has become harder with the increase in the use of technology. 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