Thursday, November 28, 2019
Motivation and Banking
Introduction Motivation can broadly be described as the driving inner or outer force through which we achieve various desired life goals. It is either intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation refers to the driving inner force mostly associated with enjoyment, high educational achievements. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, relates to a driving external force in one’s life to achieve desired goals and objectives.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation and Banking specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Such motivations include can be looked at as rewards for efforts implemented to achieve something. The rewards may be in the form of money for a task accomplished, grades attained in a school setting, coercion and the threat of punishment because of indulgence in a situation (Lee, 78). For instance, his parents may tell a student that he will not be catered for in basic and essential needs failure to achieve a certain grade. Motivation additionally and in accordance to various motivation theories can be defined as a need to minimize physical pain or suffering and maximize pleasure. Discussion The respondents as illustrate were in the range of 17 years and 24 and above years. It’s evident that most the respondent’s stay in Australia is not too long. For instance, for most female its in the range of 7 months to one year. For most male, it’s between below three months and four to six months. On a survey on the major reason for finding a job being the salary as the motivating factor, most male were indifferent on the issue while most of the women were of the opinion that it’s the chief reason as to why people find a job. On the issue of whether most people love the job more than the salary, most male were observed to agree with the statement. The female were quite indifferent in agreeing with statement and some were undecided. Most men agreed that they st udy more courses for the higher salary. A good number of females were also in agreement with that notion. Freedom is very essential while performing one’s work as shown in the survey as most respondents agreed that they require their own freedom to perform their work duties. As to whether the job performed suits who you are, most female agreed with that notion while quite a good number of men also agreed with the same. Its thus evident that the job performed actually suits who we are. A mixed reaction was obtained on to whether people should work harder with increased incentives. Most were in the range of undecided and those who agreed with such sentiments. As to whether one should travel to many places with the job that interests you a mixed reaction was also obtained with some strongly agreeing and others were actually undecided.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More With regard t o the survey done on the banking operations and the impact of technology on the banking sector, this has influenced banks to adopt it to have a competitive edge in serving their loyal customers. Information technology has brought in greater convenience, effectiveness and efficiency and can to offer more banking products to customers in the banking sector. For instance, banks offer Automated Teller Machines (ATMS), EFTPOST, telephone banking and internet banking which are modern and convenient modes of faster banking. The banks highly recommend and encourage their customers to use the telephone and or internet banking, as opposed to the earlier branch based visit services. The extension of the internet banking services goes along with the customer perception, acceptance and the satisfaction derived from the use of such services. The internet banking transaction services was introduced in the 1980’s and has seen profuse growth and is highly expected to see more growth with the development of more technological innovations. This is as was denoted by Peterson in 2006. A survey conducted consisting of sixty shoppers in Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn in 2006 focused on the banking services used by customers, the population that uses and that which does not use the e-banking services. Also, the consumer behavior as to the possible reasons why customers decide on the appropriate mode of banking transaction was looked into. Out of 60 respondents, 34 were men and 26 were women. Income wise, it was shown that the majority of people earned below $1500 per week in the age bracket of 18 to 40 years. A portion of those who were 40 years and above earned between $3000 and $ 5000 per month. Most people interviewed held savings account. Non-internet banking services users consisted of 14%, and were less likely to hold a cheque account compared to e-bank users who consisted of 33%. The access of banking services through the branch consisted of 83% of the respondents. The commo n mode of accessing banking services was by use of the Automated Teller Machines and EFTPOST. The survey showed that ATMS were often used 60% of the population used in the survey, 37% of the respondents used EFTPOST, 7% never used ATMS and 25% never used EFTPOST. Telephone and internet banking were not intensively used. Recommendations It’s most evident that most people really value investing in themselves through work with the major goal and expectation of a motivating factor reward in the form of monetary terms. Conducive measures therefore to practice people’s hard earned skills on the job needs to be put in place to encourage them to work even much harder. Since its evident that study of more courses goes in line with higher salaries, such different courses should be well laid emphasis on and mentorship on the same should be highly encouraged.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation and Banking specifically for you for only $16.0 5 $11/page Learn More People should be encouraged to work hard for what they really believe in and actually dream to achieve in their future as most jobs suit who they are. As most people would go greater lengths in terms of achieving their dreams of the work they desire most, they should be widely encouraged to follow their dreams even if it would mean travelling a lot. The basic reason for using the banking services as shown by most people is to gaining access to cash used for different transactional purposes. The second most reason is making of deposits through the cheque or cash. A few used the banking services to check for their bank balances (Lee, 103). The main advantage of the telephone and internet use of banking services is that they do not require the physical appearance of the person concerned (Gkoutzinis, 243). Additionally, the modes do not require the use of cards to identify with the person, but rely solely on electronic transmission of identification of access codes and numbers or appropriate passwords. The major reason for use of e-banking as portrayed by a number of respondents was due to time-saving mechanism, convenience, full time availability and cost effective. This is because the e-banking services can be accessed majorly from home, the work place, and even the study place. The reasons as to why some people do not use the internet banking services includes the ignorance that people may have on the use and access of the e-banking services. Also, some quote of security reasons due to the increasing number of hackers and robberies. Nevertheless, some thought it very useful to learn on the use of the e-banking banking services. Lack of adequate information on the use of the e-banking services was a major reason as to why some people did not use these services. E-banking permits the full access to account balances, funds transfers between accounts and account payments. The accessibility to the bank account are varied from dif ferent customers for instance some have daily access depending on their needs, while others on a monthly basis. Those who frequently use the bank services have a favor in using the e-banking services. Most of e-bank uses, in fact, have more than one account. The income levels of different bank service users determine the account that they operate. The high-income earners for instance use the e-banking facility frequently since they have numerous transactions and e-banking have an ideal convenient platform for this. There is a great desire for more information as postulated by the non e-banking users.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Conclusion Therefore it’s the duty of institutions, mentors, parents from the grass root level to nurture their kids in the manner so desired so that they can grow in an all rounded manner. People should also strive to achieve that which they believe in. Also, superb working conditions should be put in place to allow for people to work in conducive conditions which will support their lives. The banks hence have a role to educate the bank services users on the importance of the use of the internet banking. In conclusion, it is apparent that the banking services have changed greatly in the recent years and customers have resulted to the use of ATMS and EFTPOST, telephone banking and internet banking. The gender is highly insignificant in the determination of the account to be used by individuals. It is also evident that high-income earners are likely to adopt the use of telephone banking and internet banking with a lower usage by the lower-income earners. Banks, therefore, have a duty to promote their e-banking services and enlighten their customers on their major importance. Cited work Gkoutzinis, Apostolos Ath. Internet banking and the law in Europe: regulation, financial integration and electronic commerce. Cambridge [u. a.: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2006. Print. Lee, In. E-business innovation and process management . Hershey, PA: CyberTech Pub., 2007. Print. This essay on Motivation and Banking was written and submitted by user Brianna Snyder to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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